
Dormouse-Client has been designed to facilitate easy testing. The expectation is that, most of the time, you will want to test code based on Dormouse client by a type class instance where you supply an implementation in one of two forms.

expectBs :: HttpRequest scheme method S.ByteString contentTag acceptTag -> m (HttpResponse S.ByteString)


expectLbs :: HttpRequest scheme method L.ByteString contentTag acceptTag -> m (HttpResponse L.ByteString)

These alternatives are HTTP requests and responses where the content bodies are simply Strict or Lazy ByteStrings. Eliminating the polymorphic content body type in favour of ByteString is incredibly useful for testing because it allows the same function to generate responses which map to multiple different Haskell types.

Test Module

Note that Dormouse-Client is not fundamentally implemented with a type class containing functions of this form, this is because Dormoues-Client uses Streamly to handle the transmission of content bodies. Dealing with streams directly is fine, if truly neccessary, but it also opens up a number of possibilities for error that we'd generally like to avoid in a high level library such as this one (e.g. a user accidentally attempting to consume a request body multiple times.)

To get around this, we provide a special type class to facilitate testing in this form. To access this, import the Test Class module:

import Dormouse.Client.Test.Class

within which you will find a type class with these properties:

class Monad m => MonadDormouseTestClient m where
  expectLbs :: IsUrl url 
            => HttpRequest scheme method L.ByteString contentTag acceptTag -> m (HttpResponse L.ByteString)
  expectBs :: IsUrl url 
           => HttpRequest scheme method S.ByteString contentTag acceptTag -> m (HttpResponse S.ByteString)
  {-# MINIMAL expectLbs | expectBs #-}

Note: This class has an Orphan instance of MonadDormouseClient so you should be careful this module and keep it tightly confined to test cases.

Assuming that you have some Test monad TestM, which is configured something like this:

newtype TestM a = TestM
  { unTestM :: ReaderT TestEnv IO a 
  } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader TestEnv, MonadIO, MonadThrow)

You can then go ahead and create an instance of MonadDormouseClient.

instance MonadDormouseTestClient TestM where
  expectBs (r @ HttpRequest { requestUrl = url, requestMethod = method, requestBody = body, requestHeaders = headers }) = 
    let reqUrl = asAnyUrl url in
    case (reqUrl, method) of
      ([url|https://starfleet.com/captains|], GET) -> do
        resp <- ... -- implementation here!
        pure $ HttpResponse
          { responseStatusCode = 200
          , responseHeaders = [("Content-Type", "application/json")]
          , responseBody = resp

This provides a re-usable template that we can use to implement tests and ensure that our requests are being constructed correctly and that responses of the expected form can be handled.
